Schmidt Bender Hungária Száloptika

Flexible bundles

The advantage of these glued fiber bundles is the flexibility, which is making them able to conduit light to relatively large distances and to narrow places which are hard to reach.

Fiber bundles for microscopes

We are producing light guides for almost any kind of microscope. Our product range includes light guides with the standard dimensions in multiple versions:
-single goosenecks,
-double or multiple goosenecks,
-fully flexible fiber bundles,

Fiber bundles for specific illuminators

Our product range includes light guides for various illuminators. These are available with multiple branches, therefore the light coming from a single light source can be divided, or the light of multiple light sources can be combined.

Cross section transformers

These light guides are use when different shaped cross sections are needed at the entering and exiting side.


These types of light guides are containing mixed fibers and are used to homogenize the light coming from different type or even from multiply sources.

Sorted fiber bundle

We can arrange the fibers for arbitrary to satisfy custom needs.


Cross section transformer